Life Scenes (XVIII): A Dead Penguin

Bruny Island, Tasmania. 2013.

Finally managed to scan my Bronica ETRS rolls that I shot last year. Thankfully the negative was perfect & unscratched despite being stored in a dusty box & rolled together unprotected. I had a couple of darkroom prints made too when I was visiting my friend at Hobart, it was such an eye-opener and such great fun! I can definitely see myself doing it in the far future...

Thanks for reading.

Film | Life Scenes (XVIII): A Dead Penguin
Bronica ETRS, Ilford HP5.

2013 Cradle Mountain. 2









Cradle Mountain National Park is, without doubt, one of the most beautiful place that I've been. Standing beside the river & listening to the water flowing is so tranquillising and makes one feel connected to nature. I felt completely absorbed into the beautiful surroundings and were totally focused on shooting- it's just so beautiful, there's so many places to explore and so many angles to shoot from.

The nice little hut you see here is the Blandfordia Alpine Club hut, by one of my friend's bushwalking club. This primitive yet lovely hut is quite an eye-opener for me, since I'm a total city boy. I learned how to chop wood, start a fire, control the heat, prevent possums from stealing your food, and keeping the beers cold. And it was fun solving the jigsaw puzzle...


It's regretful that I have not been updating this blog as much as I should, but I should start sharing my photos again, since I have more than 40 rolls of film waiting for me. Over my holidays last year I also did a photo project with fellow photographer Hao Ran Lai, and we will share the result of our collaboration soon. =)

As for now, I hope you enjoy my photos of Cradle Mountain.

Thanks for reading.

Film | 2013 Cradle Mountain. 2
Bronica ETRS, Fujifilm Reala 100.